StockBuddy. Take the guesswork out of ordering.

Works alongside your current stock management system to predict your required stock levels. Give your teams a helping hand to fulfil customer needs, reduce wastage and increase profits. 

Two iPhones showing the StockBuddy app.

Why your business needs StockBuddy

Woman holding a clipboard checking fresh fruit in a supermarket
Man checking a clipboard in a restaurant kitchen

Over Ordering

   Wasted stock = putting your profits in the bin.

   Messy stock areas = hazardous and time consuming.

Under Ordering

   Missing items = unhappy customers.

   Unfulfilled orders = missed sales.

Do these inventory related issues sound familiar to you?

Stockbuddy fixes this by using data driven ordering.

Data Driven Ordering

Asking your teams to analyse data for multiple product lines so you can place accurate orders:

Is extremely time consuming.

Requires highly skilled stock management teams.

Needs extensive training for your teams.  

We seamlessly integrate into your existing set up, giving all your sites a highly accurate order quantity for every single product line, every time they place an order.

Start growing your profits today. 

Learn more about how StockBuddy works

  • StockBuddy's intelligent algorithms use the unique sales history, current stock levels, sales mix, and forecasts for each of your business locations to accurately predict the optimal order quantities for all of your product lines.
  • We also consider further inputs like pack sizes and shelf life of the products to fine tune the final output.
  • All this information is pulled into an easy to use app, branded with your business identity.
  • Your teams know exactly how much of each product, and when, to order to ensure they get the right product at the right time. 
  • StockBuddy operates as a standalone system and requires no changes to your existing systems.
  • It runs on any device including all mobile devices. 
  • Easy to use - can be trained to teams in minutes.

How your business benefits

Reduced costs

Stop over ordering. No more throwing away unsold stock. Bring your stock costs down and reduce your waste.

Increased sales

Order the right amount of your key most profitable lines. Don't come up short and sell out, disappointing your customers.

Time saved

Spend less time creating orders and checking inventory. Free up managers for more valuable tasks.

Happier customers

Customer feedback across all channels will improve as they get items they've ordered, when they need it. 

Improved brand reputation

Correct stock levels mean more sales, less complaints and more buzz about your business.

More efficient processes

Improve your teams productivity, knowledge and help drive improvements to existing processes.

Start increasing your...

  • Sales
  • Profits
  • Cash flow
  • Order accuracy
  • Product quality
  • Brand's reputation
  • Customers' satisfaction
  • Teams' productivity and knowledge

Start decreasing your...

  • Waste
  • Out of stock items
  • Time taken creating orders
  • Time taken creating par levels
  • Closing stock levels
  • Petty cash spend
  • Customer complaints
  • Allergen complaints
  • Time spent checking and getting stock items
  • Stock being transferred between sites

StockBuddy App

All the features of StockBuddy are made available in our easy to use app or via any web browser. And it’s all designed and branded to your company’s requirements.

It’s a stand alone system, able to run on any device including mobile phones and tablets. This means we can get it into your teams hands whether they’re working on site, in your office or remotely. 

Watch the video to see a preview of the app in action and book a demo with us to get a live demonstration.

Two iPhones showing the StockBuddy app.

Weekly Order List

Manually working out how much stock to order each week can be stressful and leads to inaccurate ordering.

Remove these problems by simply opening up StockBuddy and then view, share or print off your weekly order list.

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Each of your sites gets an accurate order quantity to use for each product for the correct delivery day.

StockBuddy uses your current sales forecast and likely demand to ensure your products arrive at the correct day (or days) for that week. This keeps your product fresher for your customers and reduces the risk of wastage for your perishable products. 

Your team simply needs to add the suggested order quantity into your normal order placement system.

If you see a significant change in your sales mix for key weeks of the year, StockBuddy will account for this and adjust your order quantities without you having to lift a finger.

Par Levels

StockBuddy can also support with your site’s par level challenges.

To help you plan effectively we produce a list of all the products you’ll be using for each day. For example, in a restaurant this can be used to plan what ingredients need to be prepped and defrosted for each day. We also provide a Display Line and Key Line function that allows you to choose which of your products should never fall below stated stock levels.

All this can be viewed or shared for printing directly from StockBuddy. 

Learn more

Every business has certain products that should never fall below certain levels. These might be your most profitable lines, your customer favourites or supplier display lines. 

StockBuddy allows you to categorise these lines and then applies an additional algorithm to ensure they never sell out.

Key Line products can be selected and managed by your business ensuring you never let your customers down again by unexpectedly selling out.

Display Line products can be managed by sites, allowing them to adjust the quantity of each line they always want to have in stock and can easily be changed from week to week. This helps with bar, fridge, cabinets and window displays. 

Two iPhones showing the app's single product view feature.

Single Product View

Deep dive into any of your individual products. Instantly find out your order quantities, your stock on hand, your expected weekly closing stock level, the last 4 weeks variances and see if the product is on any stock level alerts.

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Gives all your teams instant access to a whole wealth of information about specific individual products. 

Makes it easy for the Senior Team to check up on any product during site visits.

Allows the Management Team to focus coaching and development for the team on the right areas.

The Site Team can view information about all their products giving them the right knowledge to be effective at their jobs and reduce product waste.

Variance Reports

See the top 5 products by variance across multiple categories. This makes it easy for teams to instantly see their biggest variances and form a plan to improve them.

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The variance report shows a 4 week view giving you and your teams an accurate trend position.

Management teams can use the reports on site visits and during business reviews.

Each report can be broken down to show variances by:

  • Total Cost
  • Wastage
  • Unexplained

Reports can be shared for printing directly from StockBuddy.

An iPhone showing the app's variance report feature

Stock Alerts

We know mistakes can happen; stock doesn’t get counted correctly or the wrong product gets sent to a customer. StockBuddy has built in stock alerts that catch these mistakes and others, and flag them to your teams.

The system checks against six different scenarios and offers corrective advice to the team before they place their order.

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For any items that appear on the stock alert report, the team will be told what they need to order to place an accurate order.

This covers 6 scenarios:

  • A product sold out completely the week before.
  • A product shows a consumption value of minus.
  • A product has been used more than required.
  • A product has been used less than required.
  • A product was sold but wasn't actually consumed.
  • A product was consumed but wasn't sold on the till.

Next steps are provided to the team ensuring the correct amount is ordered.

Recipe Guide

Need to know how much of each recipe you’re going to sell so your teams can prep the right amount for the right time? We’ve got you covered.

Your teams can see how many units of each of your recipes you’re going to sell each day for this week. We’ll even break it down to the number of batches that will need to be prepared. 

Learn more

If you sell fresh guacamole as one of your recipes then you’ve got a whole load of ingredients that need to be prepared at the right time so the guacamole remains as fresh as possible. 

The StockBuddy Recipe Guide pulls in each of these separate ingredients and combines them giving your team the exact number of units they’re going to sell and the exact number of batches they need to prepare before each of the day’s service. 

iPhone showing the app's recipe guide feature

Is StockBuddy right for my business?

StockBuddy is at its most effective when working with any business that has multiple sites where ordering is being executed at the local level.

Don’t let rising costs hold you back – equip your business with the best tools on the market and make StockBuddy a part of your strategy for success.


We understand your business is unique. Let's start our journey together with an initial conversation to understand your needs. We'll take you through a live demonstration of the StockBuddy App and recommend the right package for your business's requirements.



 Branded App

 Weekly Order List

   Par Levels

   Single Product View

   Variance Reports

   Stock Alerts

   Key & Display Lines

   Recipe Guide



 Branded App

 Weekly Order List

  Par Levels

   Single Product View

   Variance Reports

   Stock Alerts

   Key & Display Lines

   Recipe Guide



 Branded App

 Weekly Order List

  Par Levels

  Single Product View

  Variance Reports

  Stock Alerts

  Key & Display Lines

  Recipe Guide

“By reducing the waste that's happening right now at your business, StockBuddy could easily pay for itself across all your sites within weeks of starting with us"

“The app's ease of use backed up by our intelligent ordering system will increase profits, drive efficiencies across your business and increase your customers' satisfaction ”

Want to know more?

To book a free demo or ask more questions get in touch with us. We’ll get straight back to you.